
Gary Tonge

Un talent indéniable et des années d’expérience ont permis à cet Anglais de se faire connaître. Ses créations entre digital painting, science fiction et space art sont sublimes et originales. Pour les apprécier, il faut réellement prendre le temps de les regarder en haute résolution...

3 commentaires:

  1. Merci Ermy, Gary Tonge est vraiment de taille...

  2. Hello Francky,

    Lovely website!! I would very much like to contact Gary Tonge. My team is creating a 3D animation movie and we are looking for artists that can create 3D animation regarding galaxies, Universe, and perhaps light beings. It seems that Gary's work is a good match for our project. How can I get in touch with him?

    And do you know of other freelancers and artist that do similar work? Would appreciate any response from you!!

